
Survivor Stories: Love Conquers All
By: Brittany Ladle

Every little girl dreams of her wedding day and everything that it encompasses. She dreams of what her cake will look like, what her first dance with her prince charming will be, where she’s going to get married, and of course, what her dress will look like. I too had similar dreams coming into my wedding day. But never did I dream of what it would become.
    My husband and I were married in San Diego, California on September 5, 2008. In order to be there on the wedding day we had to travel the night before down to San Diego. So with our caravan of cars my fiancé and I hopped into the car the 4 hour drive and exciting adventure that waited.
My mom (big spender as she was for the wedding) always got hotels off Priceline. The hotel she had scored this time was a 4 star hotel on beach front property. I was so excited to be able to experience staying on beach front property; and on the eve of my wedding too! As we pulled up to the hotel to my dismay the place was a dump. You know on movies when the family pulls up to a supposedly extravagant hotel and instead the front door to the lobby is missing, there are weeds in the parking lot, the pool is completely gutted, and the hotel sign flickers and pops? Yah…That was this!
    Reluctantly I said my good-bye’s to my sweet fiancé and watched him hop into the car with his family; who I guaranteed would not be experiencing the high quality hotel I was! I ventured to my room to find my brother pounding and cursing our air conditioner; which come to find out only functioned if a little cup that hung from the bottom of the air conditioner was emptied when full; which happen to need to be emptied every 30 minutes. Trying to keep my composure, I ventured off to take a shower and
tried to make the best of my  night. When I came back to my bed I discovered my brother laying on it. “Mom said we have to share the   



 bed…There isn’t enough room for everyone.” Super. The night before my wedding I get to sleep with my brother, what a treat! Grumbling I crawled into bed and began to dream of wedding cakes, pictures, and my sweet hunny.
    I sat in the car on September 6th next to my hunny reflecting upon the past 24 hours together. We were headed back to my hometown for the reception after a rather adventurous wedding night. Not only had my husband and I gotten lost trying to find our Bed n’ Breakfast, but when we got there there was no parking, my husband’s order for dinner was forgotten, and our cooler leaked water on the floor of our room all night. As I sat contemplating these events my thoughts were then interrupted by the car swerving erratically back and forth across the road.
Soon after I realized we had blown a tire. We were already cutting it close to missing our own reception, but now we were really going to be cutting it close! And we were only 15 minutes away from our destination at that. My husband quickly changed the tire and somehow, some way, we made it on time. When I look back upon the day before my wedding and my wedding day I can’t help but laugh now. At the time however I really can’t say how we made it through everything. I’ll tell you how we made it: through love. Having incredible newlywed love is what got us through the chaos of those 2 days. Having tremendous love and infatuation for each other, and taking things with a grain of salt helped us survive. If every couple treated their spouse and acted the way they did when they were newlyweds so many of the little stresses of life would never even exist. All I can say is love…conquers all.